Most of this work can be found in my portfolio section, but I wanted to dedicate a section to documenting my thought process behind the decisions I made then.
Below is the final draft of the infographic on the FAQ page I created for the company.  Upon finding their website, the first thing I noticed was that the product system and the product itself were not clearly explained, which was a sure way to alienate any possible customers or investors.  The first part of my internship was dedicated to creating infographics and updating exposition text.
Here are some of the icons I created for the website's home page.  I drew them to update the existing ones, but later opted to try and replace them with photos of people interacting with the product.  As much as I love illustrating and icon design, I appreciate the innate human instinct that causes us to be drawn to the faces of other humans.  
Monitor breathe.
Monitor breathe.
No painful wearables.
No painful wearables.
Easy install.
Easy install.
Access data anywhere.
Access data anywhere.
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